Reactive Rover


Does your dog lunge and bark at other dogs, skateboards, bicycles, or cars? Do you walk your dog late at night or early in the morning to avoid your dog’s triggers? Or maybe you’ve stopped walking your dog completely. In this reactive dog training course, we’ll coach you through a step-by-step training plan so you can enjoy your walks again.

This is a focused, invitation-only, small-group class for families whose dogs are reactive on leash. (If you’re interested in seeing whether your dog is a good fit for future classes, please set up a phone call here.)

When will classes be held?

This 6-week series will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 on Thursday evenings beginning February 1, 2024. And the next class Thursdays 5:30 to 6:30 on May 16th.

What does the registration fee include?

We will meet over Zoom for an orientation on the first week. The following 5 weeks we’ll meet as a group at our training center at 2134 Highway 64 in New Richmond.

Required training accessories are also included with registration (a $60 value):

  1. A Freedom No-Pull harness or Halti head harness

  2. A Doggone-Good Rapid Rewards treat pouch

What types of results should I expect?

Our training techniques are effective, force-free and humane, and well-vetted. But every dog’s trajectory of progress will look a little different. Your dog’s rate of improvement depends on many factors, including their current behavior and learning curve, as well as your ability to practice the homework between classes.

All of your dogs will make progress but, more importantly, you will learn the skills necessary to continue making progress even after class is over. You will learn how to make the right behavior easier than the wrong behavior, so that over time your dog’s habits permanently change.

Changing behavior that’s ingrained takes time, patience and consistency. If you’ve ever decided to lose weight, quit smoking or even become a better listener, you'll appreciate this principle.

How should I prepare for classes?

  1. Do not feed your dog before class. We need him good and hungry.

  2. Prep really yummy food, cut up into small pea-sized pieces. Think soft food like hotdogs, cheese, chicken, beef, salami, liver. No hard or dry treats, please.

  3. Have available a bully stick or Kong to help distract your dog during class discussion times.

  4. Please have him on a regular 6-foot leash and a regular buckle collar or harness. No retractable leashes, choke or prong collars, please.

  5. Dogs must be up-to-date on their distemper, parvovirus and rabies vaccinations. Please bring proof of vaccination to the in-person class on Week 2.

By clicking REGISTER, you confirm that you understand and agree to our terms and conditions.
