Puppy Intermediate


Help your Puppy Kindergarten grad polish up and learn new impulse control and foundational behaviors like Leave It while on-leash, Sit for greeting, Down-stay, Rocket Recall, Loose Leash Walking and Go To Mat.

Where will classes be held?

Classes will be held in our indoor training facility at 2134 Hwy. 64 in New Richmond.

When will classes be held?

Several class times are available. Make your choice from the drop-down menu below.

Who should come?

Students must have graduated from our Puppy Kindergarten. Maximum of 6 dogs per class for lots of individualized attention, so register early.

Is your dog not a graduate of our Puppy Kindergarten? If he’s under 6 months old, go ahead and enroll in Puppy Kindergarten or Super Puppy. If he’s older, see our Life Skills 101 class instead.

What should I bring?

  1. Your dog, good and hungry.

  2. Really yummy food, cut up into small pea-sized pieces. Think soft food like hotdogs, cheese, chicken, beef, salami, liver. No hard or dry treats, please. Soft training treats will be available to purchase.

  3. A 10-meter long recall training line, such as the Coachi.

  4. A bully stick, Kong, or other distracting chew item for break times.

  5. A regular 6-foot leash and a regular buckle collar or harness. No retractable leashes, choke or prong collars, please.

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